Friday, September 4, 2020
Essay about The Potential Growth For Online Shopping Essay Example For Students
Exposition about The Potential Growth For Online Shopping Essay SummaryLaya (2015) revealed in the news that the likely development for web based shopping in Mexico has grabbed the eye of Amazon. A generally serious extent of urbanization and an expanding number of recent college grads present Amazon with rewarding open doors in Mexico. Nonetheless, Amazon needs to advance mechanically to take into account Mexicans explicitly as they have not completely changed their shopping propensities and have trust issues of online installment. Use of conceptsSocio-social condition The demographical factors connect this article to the socio-social condition. Urbanization is characterized as the ââ¬Ësocial procedure alluding to the physical development of urban territories with the expansion in populationââ¬â¢ (Ramachandra, Bharath and Sowmyashree 2013, p. 5). Stood out from other creating nations, for example, China, Mexicoââ¬â¢s populace is fundamentally urban (Sedano 2008) and Tsui-Chuan et al. (2013) see that urban and provincial inhabitants have essentially unique personal conduct standards regarding web based shopping because of the web foundation and use, which conveys significant ramifications for Amazon. Besides, an expanding number of recent college grads with advanced mentalities (Laya 2015) just as a maturing populace with one of the worldââ¬â¢s quickest decrease in richness rate (Sedano 2008) render Mexico with divergent segment bunches which act distinctively towards internet shopping (Obal and Kunz 2013). Subsequently, Amazon needs to convey e-administrations accordingly.Technological environmentAmazon presented Innovative installment strategies that permit clients without access to financial balances to shop on the web, for instance, they can shop on the web and pay at their neighborhood accommodation stores (Laya 2015). Amazonââ¬â¢s imaginative move in regard of installment choices is caus. .e long haul, Amazon doesn't accomplish upper hand as far as technology.CSRSHistorically, Amazon is for the most part viewed as an organization that does little regarding corporate social capable exercises and has no supportability report (Gunther 2012), along these lines Amazon can be contended to be of low perceivability (Burke and Logsdon 1996), in any case, Amazon isn't disregarding pundits, it has propelled Amazonsmile which gives 0.5% of client buys to beneficent associations. This program goes past its typical course of business and Amazon in this sense is a corporate resident who has duties to society (Garriga and Mele 2004). In any case, low voluntarism is built up as it propelled this program as of late and was a direct result of pundits, likewise, particularity is low as Amazon can't disguise the endeavors made to charitable causes (Burke and Logsdon 1996).
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Entrepreneur Essay -- Entrepreneurial Theories
The systematic structure above uncovers the character properties that cause a person to turn into a business visionary and the traits are delineated from origination to the end procedure. It is comprised of a mix of innovative speculations that suggest the mental characteristics of a person. An assortment of innovative speculations will be utilized to clarify the structure. Origination of the character quality of a business visionary is the will to set up a realm, trailed by the requirement for accomplishment, at that point inward locus of control firmly followed by non-traditionalist lastly the climax of all the character ascribes lead to a business person. As indicated by Goss (2005), Joseph Schumpeter recommended that one of the mental attributes of a business visionary is the ââ¬Ëwill to build up a private kingdomââ¬â¢. This isn't just a character property yet it is a type of innovative inspiration that can be found in business visionaries and people who may become business visionaries. In the system above, it is featured as the main phase of one of numerous character qualities credited to business people. Goss (2005) contended that Schumpeterââ¬â¢s innovative inspiration with respect to the will to build up a private kingdomââ¬â¢ is centered around an individual picking up and losing economic wellbeing for example the intention is one additions power which shields one from the sentiments of disgrace. Goss (2005) sees Schumpeterââ¬â¢s three innovative thought processes from a sociological crystal and not a mental one. After much assessment of Schumpeterââ¬â¢s works, Goss (2005) come to the end result that social connection and feelings are key factors in pioneering activities. Additionally, Barnes (2000) sees the thought processes from a sociological crystal and contends in any case that ... ...individual assets. Kets De Vries (1977) contends that business people are ââ¬Ëanxious people, who are non-traditionalist, ineffectively sorted out and not an alien to reckless behaviourââ¬â¢. The trait of non-conventionalist can be applied to Victoria yet the qualities of poor association or pointless conduct can't be applied to Victoria as she doesn't depict these characters. In spite of the fact that Victoria uncovers she has an internal heading with confidence, she doesn't disregard relational relations with her family, work associates and customers. By and large, the fantasy to build up a private realm, a significant requirement for accomplishment, interior locus of control and non-traditionalist conduct all contribute towards the character characteristics of a business person. All in all, business visionaries need to have a significant requirement for accomplishment and a high inner locus of control.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Wesels Night - The True Test in Faith :: Elie Wesel
All around the globe individuals lose their confidence in God for various explanation, possibly they or an affection one has been determine to have and fatal malady or a startling passing happen in there family, they need someone to fault, so the greater part of them God. In Elie Wisel tale Night Elie clarify how his confidence in God was tried all through the book, as he was power to leave his home, isolated from his family, see what number of was being executed surrounding him, and witness kids being tossed into tremendous trench of fire, alive! Elie felt forsake, sold out, and trick, the God that he knew was a cherishing and giving God, it was then he began to question his reality. The unexplainable occasions that happen everlastingly change Elie affections for God. As Elie attempt barely to clutch his confidence, his life was blazing just before his eyes, leaving his home to live in the ghetto, at that point as his and different lives was getting back typical they was then power out the ghetto, to either be executed or live in a Concentration Camps, ÃNot a long way from us, flares gigantic flares, were ascending from a discard. Something was being scorched there. A Truck moved close and dumped its hold: little youngsters. Children! Truly, I saw this, with my own eyesâ⦠kids tossed into flares. (Is anyone surprised that since the time at that point, rest will in general escape me?) Everything around Elie was happen extremely quick, he could barely handle it, on how a considerate God could be a piece of such evil, For what reason did I pray?... For what reason did I live? For what reason did I inhale? Elie supplicated on the grounds that he accept, he live and inhale to revere thee Almighty. The holocaust powers Elie to pose appalling inquiry , question that questioned Godâ's capacity. It turned out to be clear to Elie that God didnâ't have any aim to help, so for what reason ought to Elie Pray before God, ÃHow might I be able to state to him: Blessed be Thou Almighty, Master of the Universe, who picked us among all countries to be tormented day and night, to look as our dads, our moms, our Brothers end up in the heaters?
Causes And Effects Of Child Abuse Social Work Essay Essays
Circumstances and end results Of Child Abuse Social Work Essay Essays Circumstances and end results Of Child Abuse Social Work Essay Circumstances and end results Of Child Abuse Social Work Essay One of the regular psychosocial employments is youngster abuse that has been experienced the vast majority of children around the world. Youngster abuse can take a few signifiers of abuse, it is grouped to 4 sorts primarily, physical, enthusiastic, sexual and disregard. Kids s guardians and the wellbeing proficient have been distinguished to be the most abuser in such cases. There are a bunch of hid realities that add to kid abuse ; accentuation, medication and intoxicant utilization are outlines of the causes that lye down behind it. A few impacts of youth abuses are so profound and can be stretched out to puberty and adulthood. As health provider you ought to be discerning for the imprints and indications mishandled on the grounds that early assignment and bearing can help to diminish the since quite a while ago run impacts of abuse. On different manus there are two sorts of bar of child abuse essential, and auxiliary. Bringing up a child is non simple. Kid abuse is considers a central activity that is imperiling kids everywhere throughout the universe. The majority of us ca nt imagine the impacts of child maltreatment.Unfortunately the greater part of the casualty are mishandled by their folks or any family unit part who may be truly close to them. In a similar clasp kid abuse can go on in wherever at schools, nines, and road non just at place. ( In 2007, about 5.8 million children were engaged with an expected 3.2 million child abuse studies and claims. In the United States ) Youngster Abuse is characterized as peril to a child caused by another individual, typically the wellbeing proficient ( Leiter, n.d para1 ) and incorporates physical, sexual, enthusiastic abuse, and negligence. Kid abuse can be brought by any one at any clasp. Youngster abuse is seen in various edge, physical, sexual, passionate, and dismiss. This paper is intended to talk about the sorts, causes, impacts of child abuse and how to cover with it by pull offing and preventing it. Physical abuse can be named any exertion or injury to a child where the wellbeing proficient was second thoughts of the risk before the reality. Physical abuse alludes to non unintentional hurt to a child. Physical abuse is exceptionally dangerous to the child and can do enduring physical and mental disablements May incorporate striking, ignition, disturbing, pressing or drawing hair or ear. The child may accompany seeable evaluation of abuse, for example, cuts or injuries, breaks and inner damages. On the different manus Sexual abuse alludes to any sexual conduct between a child and an adult or a more established, greater, or all the more influential individual, for that singular s sexual satisfaction. Sexual abuse while still entirely frightful is much of the time times blown completely out of graduated table and is the most publicized sort of abuse ( Leiter, n.d Para 2 ) . Sexual movement abuse ranges from undesirable busss to improper contacting to sexual association. It is the m ost dangerous signifier of abuse since it results in downright terrible cicatrixs that are profound and solid, affecting non just manhandled kids yet the entire society. Sexual abuse is much of the time times kept concealed more than different kinds of abuse. Kids are constrained and undermined non to express any of the brushs on account of the cultural embarrassment of being engaged with sexual abuse. While, Emotional abuse alludes to an incessant mentality or conduct coordinated at a child, or the inventive action of an enthusiastic situation, which is sincerely horrible to or hinders the child s mental and additionally physical turn of events. This sort of insulting conduct can pass on down a man s sentiment of personality worth and self-pride. It let the casualties to encounter uncouthness and it can hold more tough negative mental impacts than physical abuse. For example, insufficiency of affection, ignoring, dismissing, and disengaging, inability to grasp, most extreme punishm ent. Moreover, Neglect is much of the time thought of as the most hazardous sort of abuse. Disregard alludes to any genuine skip or advisory group by a person which imperils or weakens the child s mental, balanced, or physical improvement ( Leiter, n.d Para5 ) Neglect incorporates anything from go forthing kids totally for significant stretches of clasp to non giving them the right consideration for delineation, inability to flexibly rise to supplement, vesture, or cleanliness. Like some other abuse, kid abuse other than has a reason. There are numerous reasons for kid abuse. The most significant 1 among the causes is mental unwellness, each piece great as mental occupations. The tendency is that individuals who are non in their correct heads, could simple make injury to kids, in the case of knowing or non. In addition, family unit occupations are significant reasons for kid abuse, for example, hapless family unit connections, separation and partition, edginess and failure to get by with child rearing or hapless parental sexual relationship. Guardians under the intensity of medications could simple throb their children, other than medication or intoxicant dramatizations an of import work in stirring and the uncontrolled practices towards the child. Also, financial employments could raise guardians or different individuals from the family to abuse kids as a commercial foundation of their feelings. Stress could other than be an underlying driver of child abus e, other than scattered family unit and socially disconnected can be cause, in add-on to these causes hard child who have attributes of requesting or overactive may stir the provoke of the guardians which may take to physical abuse, on the different manus impeded child who every now and again increasingly ward will be inclined to an abuse since they have physical or mental disablements or both of them.It is a great idea to cognize the reason for abuse on a specific child with the goal that the intercession will be anything but difficult to execute. The impacts of child abuse can be immediate appeared in youth or development Childs who have encountered kid abuse are probably going to hold some passionate and mental occupations whether they show them or non and in more regrettable occasions, a child may hold self-destructive tendencies along these lines. The impacts of child abuse on a child relies upon how extraordinary the abuse is, the more prominent the abuse, the more noteworthy the outcome on the general territory of the child. Despondency, accentuation and injury are other than a portion of the impacts of child abuse in kids. Mishandled kids other than show conditions like difficulty in building up connections in individuals, low sense of self picture, eating upsets, each piece great as physical disablements. Kid abuse could other than bring down the self-esteem of the child who experienced it. In add-on to that a few impacts of child abuse are self-evident: physical or mental issues broken or wounded natural structure, mental miracles, eating, sleep, disparaging and so forth, partition of family unit, kid become solitary wolf, captured advancement kid acts more youthful than age well and on expectation, stop discourse creation, more mishaps of toilet prepared, hapless guidance, inability to win, preference, low inner self respect, hapless conscience affirmation, hapless sense of self picture, self injury, throbbing others, can affect offense, young growths The board of suspected child abuse Mishandled children may appear in the clinic or to clinical nursing staff in the network. They may other than be brought for a clinical notion by cultural administrations or the constabulary. In all occurrences, the processs of the nearby nation kid insurance commission ought to be the followed.the clinical crowd ought to be equivalent to for any clinical status, with a full history and full is regularly most profitable when this is directed in a touchy and concerned way without being accusatory or reprobating.any damages or clinical assurance ought to be painstakingly noted, estimated, recorded and drawn on a topographic outline they may require to be photographic with parental consent.the stature, weight and caput border ought to be recorded and kept in a graph. All notes ought to be dated, planned and marked. Treatment of explicit damages ought to be ingested and blood preliminaries and X-beam attempted. On the off chance that abuse is suspected or affirm, an assurance should be made with regards to whether prompt intercession is required and if the child needs quick security from more remote injury. On the off chance that this is the case, this might be accomplished by permission to hospital, which other than permits test and multidisciplinary examination. In the event that thoughtfully took care of, most guardians are eager to acknowledge clinical guidance for emergency clinic permission for perception and test. Sometimes this is non conceivable and lawful implementation is required. On the off chance that clinical intercession is non vital however it is felt to be unreliable for the child to return place, game plan might be found in a proxy place. In add-on to a detailed clinical evaluation, rating by cultural laborers and different wellbeing expert will be required. A child assurance meeting will be gathered in congruity with neighborhood the UK, the meeting will be led by senior individual from cultural administrations segment or of the National society for the bar of barbaric treatment to kids ( NSPCC ) .Member of gathering may incorporate cultural specialist, wellbeing visitants, constabulary, general practician, teachers and attorneies.increasingly, guardians go to all or segment of the reason conference.Details of the episodes taking to the meeting and the family unit foundation will be discussed.good imparting and a swearing working connection between the expert are basic as it very well may be exceptionally difficult to gauge the likeliness that harms were infli
Friday, August 21, 2020
Welcome speech for annual day
Each morning when I put on my Head Girl identification, I am helped to remember the obligation, difficulties and initiative I involve. Despite the fact that Yr 12 is regularly depicted as feverish, for me it has been a time of extraordinary disclosures. Where I have gained from positive and negative encounters, found out about myself and my companions, and picked up the procured information I should carry on for the start of my grown-up life. At the point when I think about the Student Council group this year, I see a gathering of energetic youthful grown-ups who can cooperate in rolling out positive improvements all through the school.Their quality, energy and inspiration has been invigorating and helped us during that time's obstacles. My encounters at Leeming Senior High School have formed me into the Year 12 Student I am today and I thank the educators, understudies and school for all they have contributed. ââ¬Å"Ability is nothing without circumstance' I have been given innumer able chances to upgrade my administration aptitudes and workshop my energy for dramatization. I have gone to different administration camps, for example, the Sir Charles CourtLeaders Program in 2009 and the Amanda Young Leaders Eco-Summit in 2010. Both these camps not just showed me how to build up my administration characteristics yet additionally bring these aptitudes out into the network, and particularly our school. My contribution in the yearly school creations, ââ¬ËSummer of the Aliens' in 2009, ââ¬ËZiggy's Bar â⬠A Cabaret' in 2010 and the current year's ââ¬ËA Dream Deferred'; can be portrayed by the words: supernatural, enthusiastic and now and again, groundbreaking. IVe come to accept the fact of the matter is the most significant blessing you can impart to other people.Who you are and what you do is extremely valuable. Imparting my encounters and authority to the remainder of LSHS, the class of 2011 and inevitably the remainder of the world, has and is one of m y objectives. My accounts. My certainties. So we may all come to see each other somewhat better. With the goal that we may all locate our own meaning of being fruitful. So our age will be set up to lead. I leave you with one final statement from Nelson Mandela, ââ¬Å"Sometimes it falls upon an age to be incredible. You can be that age. ââ¬Å"
Friday, August 7, 2020
First Year Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
First Year Update - UGA Undergraduate Admissions First Year Update We are now a couple of days past the First Year application deadline, so here are a few updates on where we are in the process. Over the few days leading up to the deadline we had about 3,000 applications submitted. We must check all of the newly submitted applications against our holding file. If a document is submitted and we do not have an application to match, that document is added to the holding file. As you can imagine, with 3,000 new applications in the past few days this process is taking much longer than it typically would. In addition, we are receiving thousands of documents through the mail, GA College 411, Docufide, our online teacher and counselor portal, etc. What does this mean? We need time to be able to match these documents with applications, so please be patient. It generally takes 5 to 10 business days to match a document with an application. Items submitted using our online forms will typically be matched with an application faster, however this is not aninstantaneousprocess. Evenevaluationsand recommendations submitted through our online portal will take a few business days to show up on your myStatus. The best thing to do right now is be patient. If a document is not showing as received and it was sent more than 10 business days ago (and you did not apply right at the deadline), double-check to make sure it was sent before contacting us. We do not have updates at this time on when we will be done matching documents but will post that information when it is available. Go Dawgs!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Teens on Social Networking - Free Essay Example
Maybe the single most powerful force in our society today is our media. It never sleeps, it has something to say about almost everything, and it has an amazing influence on virtually every aspect of our lives. It may be that success or failure in any endeavor depends on the media it creates and the success or failure of that media. In response to the growth of media, society has come to depend on media to tell us what we think or what we should be thinking about important issues that include how we see ourselves and others. Media (too often) defines how we come to understand profound issues that involve race, gender, ageism, politics and economics. Given the devolving power of media to send messages, and influence out thinking and active responses to the positive and negative messages sent, it is greatly disconcerting to realize that medias greatest influence may be among our teenagers and pre-teens. Im remembering when I was a little girl playing with my Dads cell phone. It was small and it flipped open and closed. He tried to keep that phone out of my reach, but to me it was a toy and I was ever-ready to handle that phone once he put it down. Back then a phone was just a phone. It was different from its predecessor in that there was no cord attached to it. It was portable and you could make and receive phone calls on it. Technology has moved us forward since then. Now you use your phone to do many, many other things, in addition to making a call. As an example, when I got older, I got my own cell phone and a camera for Christmas. Now my phone is also a camera, and it takes better pictures than my camera ever did. This evolution in technology helped the proliferation of the internet and the advent of social media. New and innovative ideas like websites and applications enabled users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. It could be said that social media has taken over our society. Social media is a way to communicate, express yourself, and stay updated with what is going on in the world. These are all positive things. All of these good things however can become corrupted when we allow ourselves to exist in a place of unreality. Social media makes it easier to compare our lives to those of others, which allows us the opportunity to augment the truth of our lives, to conform to an image of someone elses imagination. These are often not good things. The internet can be both. Social media can be especially impactful with teenagers and pre-teens. For sure, those years are a time in our lives when we are concerned with self-image, fitting in and getting along. Teens and pre-teens are especially vulnerable and naive during these years, and susceptible to outside ideas and influences. Too many of these influences are negative. Teens and pre-teens are often the focus of advertisers who sell their products and ideas through social media. In addition, all of these influences are delivered with a speed that diminishes the opportunity for timely consideration and/or thoughtful deliberation in their decision making. There is lots of data to confirm the impact of advertisers using social media to influence teens and pre-teens. In a single day, teens and pre-teens are exposed to over 3,000 advertising views In response, teenagers spend $155 billion per year. Children 12 years old and younger spend another $25 billion, and both groups influence perhaps another $200 billion of their parents spending per year.*(Mia- this data is from: PEDIATRICS Vol.118 No.6 December 2006, pp. 2563-2569). Media and advertisers using social media now determines for our teens and pre-teens what is Normal. The proliferation of media and advertising sets the standards for teens in everything from food to behavior. The organization named Power Surge produced an internet video which featured short interviews from teens and their perspective of media influences in their lives. The first of these is a young woman whose name is Karla:According to the media? Well condoms are normal, alcohol is normal, intimate physical relationships are normal, dressing like rock stars and in movies is normal, and not dressing up to par makes you second class. **(Mia- the citation for this is:POWER SURGE, 2006. The Media, Media International) My grandfather was a motivational speaker who was in great demand for his dog and pony show. I went with him to one of his presentations when I was in high school, having never seen him work before. We were at a middle school in Pomona. Pops asked a student to join him on the stage. The boy was 13 years old, a Latino student in the 8th grade and agreed to play Jeopardy with Papa. He asked the boy to finish the following phrase: You deserve a break today, so get up and get away toà ¦? The student volunteer filled in the phrase correctly by responding: McDonalds. The next student selected was a 13- year old Latina, also in the 8th grade. She was going to play Double Jeopardy and her question was harder. She was asked to identify who this phrase belonged to: Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. She also replied correctly with McDonalds. As a final act of participation, the students were asked if they had ever been to the principal s office. Neither of them had encountered the principal, and neither of them knew her name. There is evidence that says social media is bad for our mental health because ultimately we compare ourselves to each other which can lead to low self-esteem and a way to escape our reality rather than facing it. There is other literature that suggest that as a society, we are already hooked on the internet, and like with other addictions, it is not going to go away anytime soon. Social media has consumed us at every level: in politics, business and socialization, while simultaneously inspiring things like cyberbullying and online harassment. Then last, social media takes over lives and causes stress. It seems that we become stuck with a particular app. or device and depend on it all the time, without realizing that we are not developing any sort of interaction skills, thereby changing our relationships with real people. Vaguely, I remember a time when we used to talk around the table at dinner. It seems that back then, everyone had something to say and we were trying to say it all at the same time. But I have witnessed the change. There is hardly ever real conversation around the table anymore. Too often we are not able to even have dinner at the same time. In restaurants, it is not uncommon to see a whole family engaged with their individual phones, but not engaged with each other. It seems that we have lost a lot with the advent and utilization of social media. We need to find a way to restore some of what we lost.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Reflective Commentary - 1079 Words
Guidance for completion of your reflective commentary A reflective approach to your educational and culturalexperience will bring about changes in the way you perceive your academic environment. Further, this reflective approach can go on to produce changes in attitudes and awareness which may, in turn, benefit your personal and professional growth. While a single experience in isolation, such as your overseas or homeplacement,will be insufficient to achieve such growth, that experience coupled with reflection may serve as a powerful impetus for development of key transferable skills which can directly impact on your future employability. So, the purpose of this piece of reflective work is to compare and contrast the environment youâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦* Was there an effective induction which allowed you to integrate into the present ENU institution/programme etc? * Did the culture seem similar, or was it the polar opposite to the previous environment / programme (IAM/IIHM) ââ¬â or where along a continuum would it be placed? * Were classes conducted in similar fashion, or was the host style of teaching and learning entirely different? * How much focus was there on working in groups and teams as opposed to independent study? * How much emphasis was there on the contemporary national/international business environment? * How did preparation for exams, tests or other forms of assessment differ? * How was feedback given on your progress, and at what times? However, you must not merely answer these questions: if you did, you would only be describing your experience. The purpose of this piece of work is to reflect, not to narrate. Therefore, you must,firstly, answer these questions and then go on to consider their implications for you as an individual in relation to your studies and future development. If your experience was that the teaching style was more like being back in school, i.e. it was very didactic, rather than promoting and encouraging independent learning you must consider: * Which style did you prefer? And whyâ⬠¦? * Which form of teaching helped you to learn more, and to apply your learning to business scenarios? * As an individual whatShow MoreRelatedReflective Essay : Reflective Commentary1992 Words à |à 8 Pages Reflective Commentary Essay It is an essential learning tool to stop and examine oneââ¬â¢s practice every so often to ascertain objectives met, the challenges encountered and why, learning obtained, as well as how to improve subsequently (Knott, and Scragg, 2010). 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Hank Williams Jr - 817 Words
Hank Williams Jr. is a country singer whose life has been filled with many trials and tribulations but not without his fair share of success. Over his years as a singer and performer he has played all over the country in many famous venues. He has received many top hits and earned several awards for his performances and music. Because of his accolades and remarkable career, Hank Williams Jr. has come to be known as one of the greatest country singers of all time. Hank Williams Jr. was born on May 26, 1949 in Shreveport, Louisiana to Audrey and Hank Williams. At the fragile age of three, his dad passed away unexpectedly due to a heart condition (Koon). After that, his mother helped push him to follow in his fatherââ¬â¢s footsteps and become a country singer. He once said, ââ¬Å"Other kids could play cowboys and Indians and imagine theyd grow up to be cowboys. I couldnt do that ... I knew Id grow up to be a singer. Thats all there ever was, the only option, from the beginningâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Hankâ⬠). Hank started to perform on big stages at an early age. By the age of eight, he made his first stage debut on a small stage Swainsboro, Ga. He then went on to tour with his half-sister Lycrecia, Ernest Tubb and Grandpa Jones. Then in 1960 at the age of 11, he appeared at the Grand Ole Opry for his first time and performed his dadââ¬â¢s song Love sick Blues (Silva). A few years later, in 1963, Hank Williams Jr. signed with MGM for $300,000. One year later he recorded his dadââ¬â¢s song Long Gone LonesomeShow MoreRelatedRandall Hank Williams And The Father Of Legendary Country Music Industry2307 Words à |à 10 Pages Randall Hank Williams (born May 26, 1949), known professionally as Hank Williams Jr., is an American singer, songwriter and musician. His musical style is often considered a blend of Southern rock, blues, and traditional country. He is the son of legendary country music singer Hank Williams and the father of Hank Williams III, Holly Williams, Hilary Williams, Samuel Williams, and Katie Williams. Williams began his career by following in his famed father s footsteps, singing his father s songsRead MoreMovie Review: Catch Me if You Can988 Words à |à 4 PagesYear of release: 2002 Genre: Action Director: Steve Spielberg Main actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Amy Adams, Christopher Walken Other information: Catch me if you can is an american crime movie, based on a true story about Frank William Abagnale.Jr. By using several names he successfully posed as an airline pilot and, lawyer, doctor, professor in addition to cashing $2.5 million in forged checks. He was chased by the police and FBI all over the world, until he was caught when he was 21Read MoreRoad to Perdition Essay example1016 Words à |à 5 Pages Director Sam Mendesââ¬â¢ Road to Perdition is the officially-approved US film of the moment, overwhelmingly endorsed by the media and starring ââ¬Å"Americaââ¬â¢s favorite actor,â⬠Tom Hanks. An unstated assumption is that the movieââ¬â¢s pedigree makes it an obligatory cultural or quasi-cultural experience for certain social layers. It is a gangster film with darkened images meant to impart an art-house quality. Set in the early Depression era, it is also insinuated that a social insight or two can be found lurkingRead MorePatients And Methods O f The Department Of Anesthesia1648 Words à |à 7 Pagesprocess of care, and cost containment. Anesthesiology 1998;88:1429ââ¬â33. 29. Hammon JW Jr, Edmunds LH Jr. Extracorporeal circulation: Organ damage. In: Cohn LH, Edmunds LH Jr, editors. Cardiac Surgery in the Adult. New York: McGrawââ¬âHill; 2003. p. 361ââ¬â88. 30. Shangraw RE. Splanchnic, hepatic and visceral effects. In: Gravlee GP, Davis RF, Utley JR, editors. Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Principles and Practice. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1993. p. 391. 31. Heikkinen LO, Alaââ¬âKulju KV. Abdominal complicationsRead MoreHistory Of The Confederate Flag1455 Words à |à 6 Pagesoffered various interpretations. The most common interpretation is that the white field symbolized the purity of the Cause. The Confederate Congress debated whether the white field should have a blue stripe and whether it should be bordered in red. William Miles delivered a speech for the simple white design that was eventually approved. He argued that the battle flag must be used, but for a national flag it was necessary to emblazon it, but as simply as possible, with a plain white field. Initial reactionRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Law939 Words à |à 4 PagesHouse governs in the wake of evaluating a report arranged by the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). The charges originate from a meeting that Waters asked for at the onset of the monetary emergency in September 2008 with then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Waters and Paulson did not go to the meeting, but rather Treasury authorities and individuals from the National Bankers Association (NBA), an exchange association speaking to more than 100 minority-possessed firms, did. At that meeting andRead MoreJiayun1132 Words à |à 5 Pagescommunity because he purchased his own land twice. His religious beliefs against slavery deeply influenced Abraham in his childhood. Abraham Lincolns childhood life was rough. His family moved three times, crossing states. Lincolns mother, Nancy Hanks, died from milk sickness caused by drinking the milk of cows feeding on poisonous plantsà when Lincoln was only nine years old. Thomas Lincoln soon remarried after his wifes death. However, Abrahams stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnston, encouraged AbrahamsRead MoreAbout Georgia Essay979 Words à |à 4 PagesLibrary. Some important museums are the High Museum of Art, Georgia Museum of Art, and the Atlanta History Center and SciTrek. Some famous Georgia people are Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Henry Hank Aaron, Jim Brown, Jackie Robinson, Gladys Knight, Ty Cobb, Newt Gingrich, Sidney Lanier, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and William T. Sherman. Some other facts about Georgia are that 69% of its power comes from fossil fuel power plants, visitors spend $15.5 billion annually in the state, it has 9 civilian airportsRead MorePresident Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, and Susan B. Anthony1415 Words à |à 6 Pagesa farmer family, he lost his mother at a young age and received minimum education during his younger years. Nevertheless, according to stories from his family and friends he loved to read and spent long periods of time reading. His cousin, Denis Hanks once recalled, Abe was getting hungry for books, reading evry thing he could lay his hands on (White, 2009). In 1830, Lincoln moved with his family to Illinois and left in 1831 to find work, he got hired to build a flatboat at Sangamon Town (HickeyRead MorePolitical Characteristics of Presidents Essay1378 Words à |à 6 PagesFebruary 12, 1809, in Hardin (now Larue) County, KentuckyDied: April 15, 1865, at Petersens Boarding House in Washington, D.C. Father: Tho mas LincolnMother: Nancy Hanks LincolnStepmother: Sarah Bush Johnston LincolnMarried: Mary Todd (1818-1882), on November 4, 1842Children: Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926); Edward Baker Lincoln (1846-50); William Wallace Lincoln (1850-62); Thomas Tad Lincoln (1853-71) Religion: No formal affiliationEducation: No formal educationOccupation: LawyerPolitical Party: Republican
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Rational Choice Theory Essay - 1726 Words
Rational choice theory, also known simply as choice theory, is the assessment of a potential offender to commit a crime. Choice theory is the belief that committing a crime is a rational decision, based on cost benefit analysis. The would-be offender will weigh the costs of committing a particular crime: fines, jail time, and imprisonment versus the benefits: money, status, heightened adrenaline. Depending on which factors out-weigh the other, a criminal will decide to commit or forgo committing a crime. This decision making process makes committing a crime a rational choice. This theory can be used to explain why an offender will decide to commit burglary, robbery, aggravated assault, or murder. It is 9:00am on a warm July morning.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Having her address he began to case her home. For several weeks he watched her comings and goings. Based on his surveillance he was able to determine that the homeowner leaves everyday at 8:45am to bring her children to schoo l and does not return until 9:45am. He was able to determine that the rear entry was less visible to neighborââ¬â¢s which is why he decided to use the rear door. John clearly demonstrates rational choice based on situational risks he observed. John decides to act when he knows the homeowner will not be home and the risks are low. He made it a point to plan his attack which is also explained as a rational choice. Rational choice theory involves both offense-specific and offender-specific crimes. Offense-specific crime is crime committed when an offender considers all parts of the actual act before they decide to commit the wrongdoing. The offender would weigh police presence in that neighborhood, if the home is well protected, will people be in the home, ease of getting in and getting out, or if stolen property will be valuable for sale, etc. Offender-specific crime is when the potential offender determines if they have what it take to commit the crime based on self interest. The y only think about their personal experience and not particularly about the offense itself. Offender-specific crime is when an offender considers;Show MoreRelatedRational And Rational Choice Theory3362 Words à |à 14 PagesRational choice theory posits that any individual makes behavioral choices because they logically consider any potentially criminal situation, weigh the possible benefits versus the possible costs, and make a decision to act based on whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks. Rational choice theory differs from other philosophies in that it ââ¬Å"denies the existence of any kinds of action other than the purely rational and calculative. All social action, it is argued, can be seen as rationally motivatedRead MoreThe Rational Choice Theory1728 Words à |à 7 PagesUniversity, CJ102 Criminology Unit Five Midterm Project The Rational Choice theory approach has been used by social and political scientists to put some type of meaning of why humans behave in a certain way. In recent years, rational choice theory has been widely used in other disciplines such as sociology, political science, and anthropology. It has gained influence in politics and sociology over the past thirty years. This choice theory stressed the role of knowledgeable self interest in the decisionRead MoreTheories Of Rational Choice Theory1766 Words à |à 8 PagesIntroduction When a natural scientist is interested in how something works, he usually observes, then constructs a theory which helps to interpret what he sees. Following the building of a model, the results of the experiment tell whether the theory correctly explained the phenomenon in question. Even in the case of the physical sciences, the construction of a model requires assumptions to be made, leading to the model omitting certain, preferably unimportant effectors. The same is true about modelsRead More Rational Choice Theory Essay1246 Words à |à 5 PagesThere are three main points that are reinforced in rational choice theory (Cornish and Clarke, 1986). First, it may work better or worse for different types of crime, yet it is thought that there are rational choices in every type of crime even impulsive and pathologic crimes. Second, the theory should be applied on a crime-specific basis. Hence, burglaries canââ¬â¢t be grouped together in among residential and commercial categories . Rather, they must be broken into smaller facets such as publicRead MoreDeterrence And Rational Choice Theory3785 Words à |à 16 PagesDeterrence and Rational Choice Theory and the three strikes laws are seen by some researcher as the way to maintain control, deter crime and deliver harsh punishment for repeat offenders by subjecting them to the three strikes law. They believe that if the punishment is harsh that offenders will be deterred to commit crime. We will take a look at these theories, and see if they are really the answer to our crime problems in the USA. It will also allow us to ask the question which is: can theories work betterRead MoreRational Choice Theory: Merits and Limitations1195 Words à |à 5 Pagesinsight into Rational Choice Theory. This theory, highly relied upon by many disciplines, is also used to calculate and determine crime and criminal behavior. Through definition, example and techniques utilized by criminologists, the reader will have a better un derstanding of the subject. By definition, criminology is the study of crime, criminal behavior and how it pertains to the law. Criminology is considered a scientific technique. Therefore, those who study and carry out its theories are consideredRead MoreRational Choice Theory And Human Behavior964 Words à |à 4 PagesIn its simplest form, Rational Choice Theory finds its role in economics, which also plays a big role in human behavior. Most often, people are motivated by money and the possibility of making a profit and will calculate the costs and benefits for them before deciding what to do. While economic theories look at production, distribution and consumption of goods and services, Rational Choice theorists argue that these same principles can be used to understand human interaction where using time, informationRead MoreRational Choice Theory Of Criminal Behavior Essay1617 Words à |à 7 Pagescase the choices that criminals make brings them pleasure and adrenaline. Criminal choices can be controlle d by fear of punishment, but not all the time. The crime will be limited when the benefits are reduced and the costs increase. Rational choice theory is a perspective that holds criminality in the result of conscious choice. Not to mention, that it is predicted that individuals choose to commit crime when the benefits outweigh the costs of disobeying the law. In the rational choice theory, individualsRead MoreRational Choice Theory Of Rape1465 Words à |à 6 Pagesby using the Rational Choice Theory, rape can be eliminated in todayââ¬â¢s society by the use of castration as a punishment for offenders and as a deterrence for possible future offenders. Rape has been an ongoing issue within society for centuries. In early times, men raped women for reproductive purposes. Today, it is still believed that men rape in order to reproduce, but mainly in order to show power and dominance towards women (Thornhill Palmer, 2000). The Rational Choice Theory (RCT) statesRead MoreDeterrence And Rational Choice Theory777 Words à |à 4 Pagespeople may feel as if the deterrence theory does not work. Due to the fact that crime still happens in the world. This essay will look at the support for the theory. As well as the key problems for the theory. Next, it will explain some of the newest directions in deterrence/rational choice theory. Finally, it will either agree/disagree with someoneââ¬â¢s thought on deterrence and how it does not work and is a waste of time to study. Deterrence and rational choice are two different things. Deterrence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
International Business Essay Questions - 4285 Words
1.. Identify the five cultural dimensions identified by Geert Hofstede and describe them indicating their importance in international business. 2.. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of entering foreign markets. 3.. Why do we have international strategic alliances? What are the forms and their respective advantages and disadvantages? ---------------- 4.. Consider a firm facing a make-or-buy decision, Provide 2 potential benefits and 2 risks that the firm may face from outsourcing. Similarly, provide 2 potential advantages and 2 disadvantages of in-house production. 5.. Explain the Gini Index (or Coefficient) and discuss how it is calculated and used. 6.. When presented with a scenario, indicate how one mightâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Time Orientation long-term (Japan, taiwan, South Korea) vs short-term (US and Germany are intermediates) 3.. Why do we have international strategic alliances? What are the forms and their respective advantages and disadvantages? If youve reached a point that you feel youve gotten about as far as you can on your own in charting your export strategy, its a good time to consider joining forces with another company of similar size and market presence that is located in a foreign country where you are already doing business, or would like to. First, its important to understand exactly how a global strategic alliance works, and what it can and cannot do for you. A Global Strategic Alliance Is Not an Acquisition A global strategic alliance is usually established when a company wishes to edge into a related business or new geographic market -- particularly one where the government prohibits imports in order to protect domestic industry. Typically, alliances are formed between two or more corporations, each based in their home country, for a specified period of time. Their purpose is to share in ownership of aShow MoreRelatedInternational Business Essay Questions6472 Words à |à 26 PagesInternational Business ââ¬â Essay Questions 1. Gini Coefficient: The gini index is a measure of statistical dispersion, a measure of the inequality of a distribution, 0 being total equality and a value of 1 maximal inequality. It is most commonly used in economics to assess the inequality of wealth or income, but is also used in other fields such as health, science, ecology, chemistry and engineering. Gini coefficients range from 0.23 (Sweden) to 0.70 (Namibia), but not every country has been assessedRead MoreInternational Business Essay Questions1592 Words à |à 7 PagesSection One: Questions # 2 and #3 Question #2 a. Define and explain the term Culture Ans.: Culture is a set of shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that are learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society, and passed on to succeeding generations. Culture is basically the way of life of a people: what they eat, the music they listen, how they dress, their meal times, their language and art form, and so on. b. Give examples if operational conflicts thatRead MoreIbe International Business Questions Essay example9943 Words à |à 40 PagesTopic 1: International Business 1. Why companies engage in international business? There are three major operating objectives that underline the reasons for companies to engage in international business: -expanding sales: pursuing international sales usually increases the potential market and potential profits -acquiring resources: foreign sources may give companies lower costs, new or better products, additional operating knowledge -minimizing risk: international operations may reduceRead MoreBusiness 115 Final Exam Study Guide Essay1334 Words à |à 6 Pagespoints that you may enter only once. You have 3.5 hours to complete the exam. It consists of 30 multiple choice questions worth 5 points each. There are 5 essay questions worth 20 points each. Be sure to save and save often while you are working on the exam, and submit the exam when you are finished. To earn full credit your response to each essay question should answer the question completely and average 2 ââ¬â 3 paragraphs in length. The exam reflects the following course objectives and possibleRead MoreThe Cross Boarder Movements Of Good, Services And Resources1480 Words à |à 6 Pages Question 1. In a short essay discuss why government have been liberalizing cross-boarder movements of good, services and resources. As we learned in the course international business is growing more and more for every year. Today 25% of all business is international business. This has almost forced countries and their governments to change the laws and regulations around cross boarder movement of goods, services and resources. As access is easier now for everyday costumers to international goodRead MoreMilton Friedman1624 Words à |à 7 PagesIn this essay I evaluate Milton Friedmanââ¬â¢s essay: ââ¬Å"The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profitsâ⬠in 1970, on the Social Responsibility of a business and his theory, which is called the ââ¬Å"Efficiency Perspectiveâ⬠. In every article and book that I have read about social responsibility, Friedmanââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Efficiency Perspective is placed centrally. During my research I found that Friedman is often criticized for being too classical. Friedman believes that managerââ¬â¢s foremost objective or evenRead MoreBook Review1213 Words à |à 5 PagesThe format, in which each chapter poses a question, then includes one or more essays responding ââ¬Å"NOâ⬠and one or more responding ââ¬Å"YESâ⬠, forces the reader to challenge his/her assumptions and consider alternative perspectives. I appreciated this approach very much. Just when you think you agree with something, the next essay challenges the basis for that agreement. That kind of questioning always gets one to a better conclusion, and it forced me to question a good number of assumptions I had aboutRead MoreBUSN115 Final Exam Study Guide1656 Words à |à 7 Pagesyou may enter only once. You have 3.5 hours to complete the exam. It consists of 25 multiple choice questions worth 6 points each. There are 7 essay questions, 6 worth 15 points and 1 worth 10 points. Be sure to save and save often while you are working on the exam, and submit the exam when you are finished. To earn full credit your response to each essay question should answer the question completely and average 2 ââ¬â 3 paragraphs in length. The exam reflects the following course objectives andRead MoreHow to Write Accounting Essay1074 Words à |à 5 PagesHow to write an accounting essay... The basis of most academic work is the ability to construct a good essay. Although this sounds obvious, it is a skill which most students need to develop as none of us is born with the natural ability to write an essay, never mind one which will both address a given topic effectively and adequately support an argument with evidence. The most important aspect of writing an accounting essay or report is that the content must be informative and factually accurate;Read MoreEssay on Mgt 520 Final Exam Study1408 Words à |à 6 Pagesfinal exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, and so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. There are three pages to your final, and each page begins with a story. The stories are quite interesting and will make the questions flow easily. The questions that follow are then taken from each story. There is a little overlap. Remember questions are scrambled, so while they vary, all TCOââ¬â¢s will be tested. 2. You should click the Save Answers
Macbeth Essay and Rennassance Period Free Essays
The Renaissance Period The renaissance period started between the 14th and the 17th centuries ,and it? s associated to the rediscovery of the ancient Roman and Greek classics, geographical and astrological discoveries and the religious reformation, characterizes itself as a movement of thinking. Basically the Renaissance period the humanists try to make the feudalists and the ideas of the middle ages get extinct,and like this way ,introduce many new ideas of the rising bourgeoisie,and also to reconsider the purity of the Christian Church. Also there are many ways in which we can see that the Renaissance was a time of light for many thinkers, writers, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth Essay and Rennassance Period or any similar topic only for you Order Now : as it sought to introduce blizzard poetic forms such as: the sonnet, free verse, these adapted to new topics with great interest communicating targets and new objectives humanists. The Renaissance was based on models of Greek and Roman classics, and precedents from Italy and Spain, the Spanish drama has evolved since the interludes and morality plays and became a complex art form, thus taking considered as the best known as dramatists, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, who wrote plays with such universal qualities of greatness, and that is why this drama becomes extraordinary and leaves a monument of the Renaissance in the history of English literature. The Renaissance, tend to emphasize the dignity of man and his earthly happiness was reflected in the work carried out in the period. Macbeth One of the most shocking things in Macbeth is the continued clash between the spirit of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. While the former starts out good and faithful and is corrupted by his wife to the point of disappearing remorse from the beginning, the second starts completely cold and perverse but will decline in the course of the work into a freaking bag of remorse so that is continually hands stained with blood and suicide. I was struck by the fact that Macbeth is killed in battle trying to end their action while his wife, initially strong, committed suicide. Just how dies each compared with its initial intention is enough to see the exchange of roles: the weak just being strong and vice versa. A very striking point in the work is the continuous appearance of remorse in the protagonists. As Lady Macbeth says that their actions have destroyed his happiness and the evil they have done makes them suffer. Some allusions to remorse are the dagger that Macbeth sees before killing the king, the specter of Banquo, the blood on Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s hands are not going, etc. .. I do not know how Shakespeare is a failure or is that I misunderstood something, but there is a mistake in the plot: the witches in his second appearance predict that Banquo will father a line of kings and later appears again this idea in the third appearance of the witches. However, once dead Macbeth, the successor to the throne is not Fleance, son of Banquo, as would be expected if the prophecies were fulfilled, but Malcolm, Duncanââ¬â¢s natural successor. The prophecy and reality are incompatible in this case, and only in this case, the rest of all prophecies are fulfilled. How to cite Macbeth Essay and Rennassance Period, Essays
Computer and Network security TA Management
Questions: 1. Identify the various tools and techniques used by attackers and the types of attack that can be launched by using these tools or techniques. 2. Distinguish between the various types of attack and their consequences. 3. Compare and contrast the various tools and techniques that can be used to protect computer systems and networks from attack and to select appropriate tools or techniques for dealing with specific attacks. 4. Set up and configure a range of network security tools and devices. 5. Analyse a problem and devise one or more solutions to it. Answer: Introduction Network security is the key issue for the computing generation, since the rate of attack by the hackers is increasing at a fast pace(Abbasi et al.2011)Network security is consist of policies and provisions adopted by the network administrators in order to prevent various kinds of attacks such as data misuse, unauthorized access, modification, malicious computer network, network-accessible resources. Network security follows a significant process in order to protect the digital information assets, security goals to protect the confidentiality, assure availability and maintain integrity. 1. Identification of various tools and techniques used by the attacker Network hackers use a variety of tool and techniques to attack a system. The popular hacking tools are falls under the following categories. Wireless attack tool Wireless attack tools have been developed to compromise the 802.11 networks. The widespread and popular use of Wi-Fi, offers a platform to the attacker based on which they cause the disruption (Balasundaram et al. 2011). Confidentiality attack tools On intercepting over the wireless link, attackers attempt to gather private information. Eavesdropping, access point (AP), key cracking and phishing attacks are some of the attack techniques. Eavesdropping- The commonly used tool of eavesdropping is Wireshark. It is basically a sniffing program that will display all the network traffic both wireless and wired. It is a multi-platform, multi protocol analyzer supporting hundreds of protocols and includes decryption support for various popular security protocols that include Wired Equivalent privacy (WEP), IP security, Wi-fi protected access, Kerberos, Key management Protocol, Internet security association, etc(Barbern et al.2012). Moreover, Wireshark display the captured data in an easy to read and easy to follow format. It has built in filters that is used to capture specific data i.e. Protocol, port number or IP address. Sniffing- Apart from capturing and displaying the packets from physical layer, the sniffing programs possess installed plugins and filters enable to manipulate data creating a man in the middle attack. Phishing- AP Phishing, renowned as Evil Twin is a confidentiality attack, where the users are misguided to logon to fake APs thus providing the credentials to the attacker. These fake logon pages are created to collect confidential data, credentials, credit card information, password of users (Canto-Perello et al. 2013). In process, the user is compelled to download a series of viruses i.e. Trojan horses. Tools such as APsniff, APhunter, KNSGEM, Hotspotter scan the wireless AP beacon signals. Types of attack launched by these tools Here are some basic attacks launched by the above tools and techniques. Security threat The key security threats include denial of services, unauthorized access to data and network resources, uncontrolled access to internet, accidental delete of confidential data, etc. Virus attack A computer virus is a small executable code, that when replicated or executed performs different harmful and unwanted functions in a computer network (Chen et al.2011). Viruses destroy the processors, hard disk, consumes large space memory and effect the overall system performance. Trojan is a malicious code that is not replicated, however, destroys critical data. Unauthorized access to data When hackers gain access to the data and network resources through the process of Eavesdropping or Sniffing. Cryptography attack and theft of information It is another threat to network that causes loss of essential information. DoS Denial of services (DoS), is the explicit attempt by the hackers that prevents the legitimate user from using a service from the network resource (Cohen et al.2012). DoS attack execute the malware by consumption of computational resources, disk space, memory, disrupt the configuration information, physical network components, unsolicited reset of TCP sessions. Installation of unauthorized applications It is the installation of unauthorized software applications to the network servers and client computers. Installation of malicious program applications, causes a number of security threats in the form of songs, codec, gaming software, web-based applications, video programs, etc. Application level attack The attacker exploits the weakness in application layer i.e. faulty control in the while filtering input in the server side, security weakness in web server (Deng et al.2013). The examples of such attack include SQL injection, web server attack and malicious software attack. 2. Distinguish between various types of attack and their consequences IP spoofing Spoofing of IP address involves the creation of malicious TCP/IP packets by using various IP addresses as the source. This is intended to conceal the hackers identity and impersonate the identity of IP address owner (Ding, 2011). On spoofing of the source address, the recipient will reply to the source address, whereas the packet will be hard to trace back the attacker. IP spoofing gives rise to the following consequences. Denial of Service attack(DoS) A large number of packet is send by the attacker to the victim and all the replies from the user is directed towards the spoofed IP address thus preventing the legitimate user from service. Man in the middle It involves the hijacking of an authenticated network session taking place between two hosts. The attacker utilize the spoofed IP address and between two hosts and use them to send and receive packets (Ghani et al.2013). Hijacking of connection While the authentication takes place between two hosts, the attacker take advantage of this and send a reset to the client through which it kills the connection for the client and spoofs the client and continues session with the server using spoofed IP address(Hutchins et al.2011). It has the following consequences: Session or connection hijacking exploits the authenticated machine by stealing cookies stored on the system or machine. Cookies are also stolen by sniffing the encrypted network traffic. These cookies are used within the web server in order to establish an unauthenticated session. ICMP attack ICMP or Internet Control message Protocol is a protocol used in the internet layer of TCP/IP suite in order to send error messages and carryout unauthorized network management tasks(Jhaveri et al.2012).Ping tool is the familiar example of ICP that is used to send echo messages in reference to know the online status of destination. The consequences considers the following. The ICMP protocol does not possess any built-in authentication and the attacker intercept the ICMP packets. Ping is used to launch the DoS attacks to the legitimate users. 3. Comparison and contrast between the various tools of computer network protection a) Application gateways These are also as proxy gateways made up of bastion software and act as a proxy software to run special software. Traditionally, it is the most secure tool that does not allow packets to pass by default (Jnanamurthy et al.2013). However, the proxy server is consist of significant application programs in order to initiate the passage of traffic. This application runs at the Application layer of ISO/OSI reference model. b) Packet filtering It is a technique through which the routers with ACLs are turned on, and by default the router passes all sorts of traffic without any restrictions. The employment of ACLs enforce the security policies in respect to the sort of access to the internal network allowed to the outside world (Kelling et al.2012). In packet filtering, the number of overheads is less than that of an application gateway, since the feature of access control is performed at the lower ISO/OSI layer. Packet filtering has significant problem when compared with Application gateways and Hybrid system. TCP/IP has no means of absolute source address, hence make use of layers of packet filters to localize the traffic(Khan and Engelbrecht, 2012). The two layers of packet filters are used to differentiate between packers that came from internal network and internet, however, it does not make way to find the actual host. c) Hybrid It is the attempt to amalgamate security applications of layer gateways with the speed and feasibility of packet filtering. The new connections are authenticated and approved at the physical layer whereas the remainder is received at the session layer, where the packet filter and passed on (Kim et al. 2011). Unlike packet filtering that identifies the network from which the packet came with certainty, but fails to get more specific than that, however, Hybrid system, provides a measure of protection against the computer network d) Closed Ports A closed port keeps the system and computer network safe from outside communication and attack. In security domain, an open port refers to the UDP and TCP ports, i.e. configured to accept the packets (Kottaimalai et al.2013). The ping request primarily identifies the hosts that are active currently. It is often used as a part of inspection activity in order to prevent a larger and coordinated attack. By removing the ability remote users so that they do not receive a ping request, the user will likely to pass over from unattended scans and script kiddies who search for easier target (Marin and Wellman, 2011). Such a system does not actually protect the user from an attack, as in packer filtering, application gateways, Hybrid system and close port system, but it reduces the chance to become a target. e) Intrusion detection system IDS investigate all the outbound and inbound network activity in order to identify the suspicious patterns that indicate a system or network attack by a hacker who tries to compromise or break into a system(Palonen and Hakkarainen, 2013). IDSs utilize advanced algorithm and traffic analysis to determine whether the probe has been conducted. A number of IDSs have been designed to address the increased requirement of anti-hacking detection, protection on denial of services (DoS), security visibility, and business defenses on e-commerce(Rehg and Kraebber, 2012). g) Intrusion prevention system IPS is takes the activity of IDS one step further by taking immediate action without any human intervention (Valente, 2012). Unlike IDS, the IPS alarms are not based on the pre-defined rules. Appropriate techniques to deal with the attacks Closed port technique The computer network is consist of various open port network by default such as FTP, UDP, TELNET, HTTP, SMTP, etc. Attackers use the following types of open ports to enter the network or system. Moreover, malicious hackers make use of port scanning software in order to detect open ports or unfiltered networks to gain unauthorized access. In contrast, utilization of closed ports ignores or rejects the connections and packets directed towards it. Ports are closed by the use of a firewall (Vu et al.2014). Hybrid system Attackers who plans for unauthorized access to network and get access to internal network have to break through the bastion host, access router and choke router on Hybrid system tool for network security. Ping service turn off Ping service turn off is an essential tool to protect network security from cryptography attack and theft of information (Weninger et al. 2011). Intrusion detection system The DoS attack is treated with the IDS by utilizing traffic analysis and advanced services. It identifies the suspicious pattern of attack by investigating on outbound and inbound network who compromise the system and prevent legitimate user from the service. 4. Set up and configuration of network security tools The interaction between controller and workstation secured by using the Internet key exchange protocol (IKE) and Internet protocol security ( IPsec). IPSec is a set of extensions to the IP protocol family that ensure integrity, data authentication and encryption, encryption and integrity of IP packets (Wrzus et al.2013). IKE securely negotiate the property of security associations, of IPsec enabled peers, i.e. Andover Continuum controllers, workstations, etc. It takes place once all of the following tasks are addressed. Setting up and configuration of network security includes the following steps: Step 1: Determination if the network security is enabled for the controller Step 2: Configuration of controller for secure communications Step 3: Configuration of network security on the workstation (Zhu et al.2012). Step 4: Activation of network security for the controller Task Configuration Description Step 1 Cyber station software To determine whether or not the site has purchased the option of network security specifically for the net II 9680 and ACX 57x0 controller (Balasundaram et al.2011). Step 2 Controller Configuration of the network security settings within the controller Step 3 Workstation It edits, import, assign and export the local security policy of Schneider Electric network on the workstation (Barbern et al.2012). Step 4 Cyber station software It set up the network security attributes for a new controller or existing controller. Before starting the configuration of controllers and workstations, it is essential to ensure the required software and hardware in order to configure the network security successfully. The required hardware and software in configuration setting: The workstation software Windows 2000 SP4, windows server 2003, Windows XP SP2, Continuum cyber station v1.8 (and higher) The hardware controller ACX 57x0 series Netcontroller II 9680 Access privilege Administration privilege on the workstation is used to configure the Local security policy (Canto-Perello et al.2013). Administrative privileges make the controller login into web configuration pages and configure the properties of network security. Network IP address Identify the static IP address for each workstation to ensure security. Make sure each controller possess an available IP address. While setting up the controller of network security configuration, the following security options are used. Network security configuration- This option allows different levels of network security that include factory default, a network security policy that require authentication of Andover continuum traffic and its encryption (Chen et al.2011). Peer to peer security configuration- This option allows the communication between each controller and workstation. It also authenticates the each others identity by utilizing the same shared authorization secret. Web server security options- This option allows the application of network security level that is selected under network security options to the web servers of controllers (Cohen et al.2012). The network security options are applied to all levels of web configuration of the following options is turned on. 5. Analysis of a problem and devising one or more solution to it Analysis of a problem Hackers can attack any network in a million of ways. Attackers can target a network without even connecting to it or using the same network for locating it. Attackers can exfiltrate the data without even compromising the ultimate target. Attackers tend to compromise the network devise and delete the log records, confuse network behavioral analysis by the generation of all sorts of traffic. However, on analysis, it has been concluded that, such type of hacking does not alter the packet stream while it is captured (Deng et al.2011).Thus, this becomes the key player of the data that has been collected to perform advanced analysis of network security. Theft of data through network breach during communication between controller and workstation is analyzed, however, in order to figure out the root cause, the data have used to analyze and draw conclusions about what is happening in the environment (Ding, 2011). This analysis has been done by indexing the data, additional context has been used to supplement and enrich the data, alert on the data, and the last is to search through it in order to pursue an investigation on data theft. This can be done through significant technical horse power. A purpose-built data store is required to capture the full network packet stream. It requires index network traffic at the sufficient speed to provide actionable and usable information in order to shorten the exploit window (Ghani et al.2013).In order to analyze the magnitude of this challenge, a number of SIEM platforms struggle in order to handle the 10,000-15,000 events per second. It helps to capture 10-100gbps network traffic. Solution Network analyzer Virus or hacker attack typically generates an identifiable pattern or signature of packets. The network analyzer identifies the following packets and alert their presence on the network to the administrators. Most analyzers sets a alarm and that are triggered when a particular pattern is identified (Hutchins et al.2011). Some analyzers are programmed to send a page or email when these conditions are met. This assumes that the virus and its signature have been seen before and incorporated within the analyzers packet filter. The filter specifies a significant set of criteria based on which an analyzer will capture the packets or trigger alarm or some other specific pattern of action. IDS and anti-virus system An intrusive detection system and anti-virus is designed to prevent the incursion of known attacks and viruses. Moreover, the script kiddies and hackers have the access to all threat bulletins and window patches that are continuously in search of new vulnerabilities (Jhaveri et al.2012). Operating systems and firewalls often do not identify the patch until the damage already has been done. Imported disks, deliberate actions and infected system network are some of the key weak spots of security system which cannot be answered by the parameter defense alone. Probe functionality It performs all security functions required by the network such as it captures and decode the packets, analysis of the traffic levels in terms of application and active stations. Application analysis plays the key role due to the rapid increase in email volumes, which is a significant sign of virus attack. Probes are placed at the critical point of network (Jnanamurthy et al. 2013). This include default gateway, email servers and other servers that are critical and likely to be attacked. Nessus Nessus is incorporated to scan the network vulnerability. It is an open source, commercial product that analyzes the network to find any hole in it. This hole can allow the attacker to launch an attack by exploitation of the vulnerability. The other way round, security administrators use the following solution to analyze the open vulnerabilities on the system network, so that the attack can be prevented (Kelling et al. 2012). Nessus is a cross-platform tool that works on the Linux, Microsoft windows, Mac OS X. Moreover, this specific software is configured with the Graphical user interface with an user friendly tool to detect the attack between controller and workstation network. Conclusion There are numerous ways to prevent attack and ensure safety and security of network. From the above study it has been concluded that, the design flaws of TCP/IP suite of protocols is responsible for major attacks that takes place through the internet. However, by incorporating concerted efforts and various loopholes have been plugged in order to reduce the attack surface considerably. This paper identifies various network attack and also focus on the tools and defense mechanism in order to point out the vulnerabilities that causes the attack and implement ways to plug in. Reference List Abbasi, A., Altmann, J., and Hossain, L. (2011). 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Coursework on Revenge Essay Example For Students
Coursework on Revenge Essay A few years ago, I had a son out of marriage vows. It was an accident. I love my son very much, but his father abandoned me during the pregnancy and immediately moved in and married another girl before our child was even born. Now, though I am only on the fringes of his family, I am still very much a part of it. His mother and I are close. For my own good and the benefit or our son, I have tried to give up my anger and resentment for what this man did to me. His wife, however, hates me with a passion simply because I exist and have what she has wanted for herself a son, the very image of his father. Over the years, his wife has called me on the phone, taunted me, insulted me, keyed my car, and done her best to out-do me in any arena. I have not reciprocated, but instead focused on my self and my son. Then one day an opportunity too good to pass up came my way.Ã My sons father has visits every couple of weeks with our son, when his wife is at work which he and his mother (yes, a mammas boy) feel is best so as to not upset his darling wife. So he comes around and I am sweet as honey to him. My appearance has changed substantially since we first met. I am now, quite frankly, strikingly beautiful. This has really bothered this man, because the girl he married has gone to pot should we say, and developed some nasty habits. On a recent visit, he felt it necessary to confide in me the details of his marriage on the rocks. Apparently the jealousy his wife feels towards me has driven her crazy. And her unwillingness to satisfy him has made him drift from her. With wide eyes and a caring smile, I have commiserated with him. The sparks between us grew each time we saw each other, until one evening, I let him kiss me. This has developed into a full-blown affair, sex and all. He calls me desperately wanting to know when he can see me again. Not because he cares for me or enjoys our conversations, but because he wants to get his rocks off and knows where to go. I have stayed sweet, but I remember just what kind of a man he really is. Each time I speak to him, he begs me to never say a word to anyone, so I am telling the world. Decided that being his mistress really isnt much fun for me, and I really wouldnt mind if his wife and family found out. To me, having this affair end was no loss. And I received some diabolical pleasure when I imagined his wifes face when she is told the truth.Ã When I think of this mans marriage falling apart by my hand, I am reminded of how my own life fell apart as a result of my pregnancy. It was a downward spiral that crippled me and altered my life permanently. Yes, I think he needs that. So what did I do? One evening over a glass of wine with his mother, I steered the subject to the news of how I had met a wonderful man, but that he was married. Initially, she was happy for me, then warned me to stay away from married men. I acknowledged her, and then told her all about him and the wife that he says is such a misery to be with. I told her that when he meets up with me, he tells his wife that hes going out to have a drink and be alone for a while, and then comes to me instead. I also included enough personal detail to help her realize just whom I was talking about. It got quiet for a moment, then I said, You dont think. is having an affair, do you? .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 , .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .postImageUrl , .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 , .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:hover , .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:visited , .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:active { border:0!important; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:active , .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354 .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u81d06d9d330fbfd25165e10206eef354:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? EssayShe replied with a no, then I asked, Where do you think he is really going at night when he says hes going for a drink alone?Ã At this, I could swear the bottom dropped out from beneath her and she just stared at me. I took a sip and looked up at her. I told her that I wanted to end the affair I had began with this man in question but that he just wouldnt leave me alone. The rest of the evening was tense, and we parted early. That was just a week ago, since then I have received two heated phone calls from him, wanting to know what I said to his mother, who, of course, immediately went to his wife and conferred with her on the issue. He is receiving a lot of heat at home, and his wife is talking about leaving him. But the bombshell has yet to come: I saved all his phone messages, which are quite explicit. His mother wants to come visit me this weekend. I think Ill check my messages while shes here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Marketing Plan For an Innovative New Product
Target Market The identification of a target market is important before the launch of a new product. When launching the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠brand, the target market constitutes a group of people who will be interested in buying the product (Hiam 2). Identifying the target market for the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠brand is not an easy thing, especially because the product contains many features which appeal to different market segments.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan For an Innovative New Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, in identifying the right target market for the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠product, several factors ought to be considered. First, it would be crucial to identify the demographical characteristics of the target population. The demographical characteristics would include information such as the populationââ¬â¢s age bracket, income levels, educational background, gender an d such like factors. Secondly, it will be crucial to identify the geographical location of the intended customer group. The geographical location of a market would determine the demand for a given product. For instance, it would be useless selling jackets in a geographical location with a desert-like climate. In the same manner, certain geographical locations are known to demand certain goods and services more than others. For instance, the Puma shoe company has been known to perform well in Latin American and European countries when compared to the rest of the world (Hiam 19). Lastly, in identifying the right target market for ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠, the psychographic characteristics of the population have to be considered. These psychographic elements will include the personality and behavioral traits of the target population group. The collective interests of the population group will also be included in this analysis. Comprehensively, these elements will have to be analyzed to es tablish how they complement the sale of ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠products. Product Positioning Positioning a brand in the market is a critical component for market success. Its importance cannot be underestimated because brand positioning is more than the productââ¬â¢s sales. In fact, product positioning is a promise to the customers to explain how the product fulfills their needs (through the elements it guarantees them) (Hiam 23). To establish an effective brand position strategy for Cyclone, it would be crucial to determine the core values of the brand. For instance, it will be crucial to establish if the brand thrives because of excellent quality or good pricing. Once these values are determined, pursuing the same values in the market will amount to a good brand positioning strategy.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More IMC Campaign In coming up with the best IMC plan for â⠬Å"cycloneâ⬠, several factors need to be considered. First, a thorough promotion opportunity analysis should be done to establish the competitive analysis, opportunity analysis, target market analysis and customer analysis of the brand. From this point, corporate strategies should be formulated. The corporate strategies include corporate image strategies, brand development strategies, brand positioning strategies, distribution strategies, business-to-business strategies, public relations strategies, and evaluation strategies. The last process of developing an IMC campaign will be to identify an integrated market communications strategy plan. This plan includes coming up with a set of objectives for the IMC plan and a budget to achieve the intended objectives of the IMC plan. The first objective will be centered on consumer needs and requirements while the second objective will be centered on determining the productââ¬â¢s distribution channel. The last objective of the plan will be centered on determining the right business-to-business strategy (Hiam 53). Price Determination Determining the right price for the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠product depends on several strategies. For instance, the distribution channel of the product is bound to determine the overall price of the product because longer distribution channels are bound to command high prices and short distribution channels amount to low prices. However, the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠brand will be produced with a high-end market in mind. To keep the prices affordable for a wider consumer group, a shorter distribution channel will be chosen. Also, the price of the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠product will be determined by the cost of production and the price of substitute and complementary products in the market. Obviously, the price of the product cannot be sold less than the opportunity cost and therefore, the product will be priced higher than the product cost. This cost will be compounded with the productâ â¬â¢s distribution cost, to come up with a reasonable mark-up price for the product. The price of substitute and complementary products will also determine the price of the ââ¬Å"cycloneâ⬠product. If the price of substitute products will be low, the price of cyclone will also have to be comparatively low. The same is also true if the price of the substitute product is high because if the price of the substitute product is high, it will be easy to sell the product at a reasonably high price since there will be minimal price competition (Hiam 23).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan For an Innovative New Product specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More CRM System Designing an effective CRM system will have to be done with the customers in mind. This strategy is crucial because customer feedback will be important in developing future product improvement strategies. The provision of customer service thro ugh the CRM system will also be done with a keen emphasis on the medium for service offing. Customer development will be achieved if the CRM is designed to have a feedback mechanism where customers can communicate with the company and inform them of any areas where customer development can be improved. The internet can be an effective tool in ensuring the goals of the above strategies are realized (Hiam 2). Works Cited Hiam, Alexander. Marketing for Dummies. New York: For Dummies, 2009. Print. This essay on Marketing Plan For an Innovative New Product was written and submitted by user Anya Kirby to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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